Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Social Media and Grandparents

No, I am not talking about the millions of 65+ year olds getting on Facebook these days. [Although that age group is the fastest growing group on Facebook, even if it seems like the 12 year olds are winning!] And no, my grandparents are not on Facebook- they are still struggling with their basic flip phone and the thought of my Grammy even sitting in front of a computer is hilarious to me.

What I AM talking about is an article by Eric Fulwiler on titled "10 Things your Grandmother can Teach you About Social Media." I'm going to break down these tips and summarize them because the majority of companies today Google future employees and I definitely know some people that would benefit from these tips.

  1. Mind your manners. Don't be a jerk or you won't have friends!
  2. Tuck in your shirt. Be aware of how you present yourself to others. Picture future employers looking at your page.
  3. Send a thank you card. People like to be appreciated.
  4. Keep your elbows off the table. Act respectfully in front of others.
  5. Turn your music down. Don't distract people with your personal preference or they will zone you out.
  6. Finish what you started. Do what you say you will if you commit to something.
  7. Finish your vegetables. Some parts of social media may not be fun but they're important to keep up with.
  8. Whatever happened to a good old fashioned...? A call or getting together with the person is more effective sometimes.
  9. A man is only as good as his word. Let people know they can trust you, and value their trust.
  10. Think twice before you speak. There are no "take backs" on the internet.
Thank you to the grandmothers of the world for teaching us these lessons which are still applicable in the real world, and now even in the online world!

1 comment:

  1. Great post...some good tips that people tend to forget online. :)
